Friday 19 July 2013

EMAGI explained


This blog contains examples of ekphrasis verse in structured prose forms and will describe various pieces of art, paintings ,artist styles, art school genres and will be sometimes be  accompanied with some of my artwork to assist the reader/viewer and hopefully encourage others to pursue this poetic form which uniquely thus encompasses two forms of art.
The art of creating a visual response to a piece of writing is known as  a reverse ekphrasis ie the inverse of the centuries old poetic form of ekphrasis.The most well known example being Charles Demuth 'Figure 5' based upon a W C Williams poem.

EMAGI is a recent variation of a reverse ekphrasis derived by the advent of the widespread use of hand held digital communication devices  -where words in digital  symbols /letters can be represented as a shape
and uses a poet's poem to inspire the digitised 'drawing'as below

EMAGI a reverse ekphrasis -where words in digital symbols /letters are represented as a shape to reflect a poem's poem title

Wallace Stevens'ICE CREAM' // ( ) --- \ / \ / \/

All the poetry and art hereon is my copyright (2013) but maybe used for educational purposes provided appropriate acknowledgement is given to me and this blog and advice thereof made to at

EKPHRASIS examples

To paint oneself as others

see.Perhaps the most difficult

challenge in art, maybe, impossible

to fulfil.The mirror into which

we look,contains a bias,no outside

opinion may bridge or brook,sans

the experience of biographic

years to understand and thus

oftimes overlook.We see now

with autobio sight the lines and

furrows.Yesterdays that once

were tomorrows,etched deep

in lines watered by sweat and

tears and so our portrait will

inevitably visage our fears

weathered year upon year


Light to light which illumes

as colour fills our eyes and enters

our mood.To trigger stark sensations

colour floats on white,yellow

blue and red in parallel luminous

blocks.This conceptual mirror

meticulous,yet of the common

place, a still life set free in

pervading symbols of the night.

The senses merge to become a

dialogue, a commentary in words.

SEE ALSO MY BLOG POIEMA EKPHRASIS for examples from my hardback book

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